Ahoy there! Grab hold of your chumbuckets, mateys, because it's time for Cap'n Mongo and his pint sized first mate, Chumley, to serve up another boatload of filthy fun for ye all! You'll thrill to Mr. Pantyhose and his "Tales of Sheer Madness!" You'll cheer as Fucko the Clown defiles two willing debutantes! You'll weep tears of joy as slutty Miss Yvette offers up her delicious hairpie to all comers! You'll pop a boner when the Cap'n digs into his "Treasure Chest of Smut!" And you'll be sportin' a whale of a woody as Chumley reads from "The Mailbag of Surprises!" And that's only part of the wacky antics the Cap'n has in store for ye! It's a crazy, mixed up Saturday Morning kind of show that's strictly for adults! So grab your rubber and cum aboard! You'll be glad you did, by gum!