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Buttman at Nudes a Poppin' 21

Buttman at Nudes a Poppin' 21 Porn Video Art

Roselawn, Indiana in the US of A is the site for the biggest adult pageant of its kind: Nudes a-Poppin', where sexy strippers from across the nation compete in the hot Midwest sun for the approval of the sweaty, horny crowd, and for titles such as Miss Nude Entertainer, Miss Nude Galaxy and Most Beautiful Natural Body, and audience-choice prizes like Best Buns and Miss Crowd Pleaser. Former California gubernatorial candidate Mary Carey joins Adara Michaels and the legendary Ron Jeremy as hosts, and of course Buttman and Tricia Devereaux are also on the scene with video cameras in hand to document this sexy three-ring circus. It's a visual feast of undraped female flesh!

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Director: John Stagliano

